
Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Grow Your Own Vegetables - A Book Review

If anyone ask me for one book to use in Aquaponics regarding vegetable growing I would recommend this book : Grow Your Own Vegetables by Lee Chew Kang, this book was first published in 1979 while we here in Malaysia still at the crossover between Agricultural to  Industrialization.

This book covers the common group of vegetables around the South East Asia region and specifically Malaysia, but the practice can be applied to other countries as well.

It look at the common vegetables, covering Soil & Fertilizer and Cultural Practices in Vegetables growing. It then goes into Leafy Vegetables, Bulb Crops, Fruit Vegetables, Beans and Peas, Tuber and Root Crops and Other Vegetables Crop.

Growing Vegetable in the Home Garden are dealt with in Chapter 10 and finally few tips on Pesticide-free Vegetables and how to handle those pest.

In all chapter about plant, the author will start off with a good description of the vegetables, method of cultivation, Transplanting if any, Watering and Fertilizer application, Harvesting, Insect and Pests control and any common diseases on the plants.

There are lots of illustration to go along with simple to understand write up.

Note : 

All pages of this book belong to Marshall Cavendish and Times Publishing Limited as the copyright owner.


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