Video Siri Mari Bela Cacing

Siri video video Mari Bela Cacing ini dibuat khas dalam Bahasa Melayu.

Making the worm box.

Bedding materials for the box, I use shredded paper, cardboard, leaves and potting mix for the bedding.

Putting in half of the Night Crawler from older set to the new worm bin.

Feeding the worms.

Trying my hands at composting

There are a lot of vegetable greens that I am not able to use, kitchen scrap, plant roots and fish solids. So it about time I try to make use all these into something worthwhile.

So here goes, I am trying out composting using the African Night Crawler (ANC)

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Pickling Chillies 101

Too many chillies to use in one go, so best to pickle it for later.

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Picking Rosemary

Trimming the rosemary that’s over grown in my aquaponics patch.

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Pemasangan Injap Air Masuk Pada Feeder Tank

Nanti musim panas, paras air selalu berkurangan. Jadi untuk mengelakkan masaalah, hari ini saya pasang injap air masuk yang mengunakan pelampung.

Pemasangan perlu dibuat pada feeder tank dimana paras air pada tanki ini akan surut bila air banya kering di sistem akuaponik.

Pemasangan sangat mudah, saya beli float valve di Shopee dan pasang. Harap dapat bertahan lama, kerana pancaran matahari mungkin merosakkan injap.

Pemindahan Anak Pokok Cara Ringkas ke Gutterbed

Post sebelum ini saya tunjukkan cara memindahkan anak anak pokok ke pasu gutterbed. Kali ini saya menggunakan kaedah yang sama tetapi tidak menggunakan basin sebagai bekas air. Saya gunakan gutterbed sebagai takungan.

Terima kasih

Pasang Coupling Pada Paip Air Masuk

Sistem akuaponik mempunyai paip paip yang perlu diselenggara dari masa ke semasa, jadi untuk memudahkan kerja ini saya pasang coupling. Coupling ini boleh didapati dari kedai peralatan logam dengan harga sekitar RM10.00 satu.

Pemasangan sangat mudah, coupling ini ada beberapa saiz dan ada yang “threaded” dan ada yang untuk mengunakan gam pvc. Pemasangan pada sistem saya tidak memerlukan gam, tetapi cukup sekadar pemasangan dengan kemas supaya tidak kebocoran.

Secara keseluruhan satu coupling, kepanjangan paip perlu dikurangkan dalam 5mm oleh kerana tambahan pada coupling ini.

Okey, lepas ini mudah sangat untuk membuat perubahan atau penyelenggaraan sekira perlu.

Terima kasih.

Pindah Anak Pokok Ke Pasu Akuaponik

Cara yang saya selalu guna bila mahu memindahkan anak anak pokok ke pasu akuaponik.

Terima Kasih.

Set Akuaponik Satu Barrel - Kembali

Set akuaponik satu barrel yang saya reka bentuk 10 tahun lepas, hari ini untuk memperigati saya buat satu lagi sebagai kenangan.

Ini salah satu reka bentuk saya yang telah digunakan di merata rata.

Terima kasih

CRAFTS - Sudah Siap Sepenuhnya

Sistem akuaponik saya sudah di baik pulih sepenuhnya, dengan membuat kembali CRAFTS (Constant Return Aquaponics Feeder Tank System) setup.

Masih awal pokok pokok perlu disemai dan tanam baru.

Terima kasih.

Mencari Anak Ikan Lampam di Three Ocean Rawang

Trip hari ini mencari anak ikan untuk set aquaponics baru saya. Three Ocean di rawang merupakan satu pusat penghasilan anak anak ikan yang besar di Selangor.

Pemilik Three Ocean, En. See ramah dan tidak jemu membawa saya melihat sekitar kawasan beliau.

Terima kasih.

CRAFTS - Constant Return Aquaponics Feeder Tank System

Revisit my CRAFT system, incorporating it with the gutterbed. This system water in the return tank is always at constant height and maximise its volume for optimum fish growth.

The original CRAFTS set was made few years ago circa 2013 with traditional growbed and now I am combining it with my gutter set. It is best to combine it so that I could maximise the water volume for growing vegetable and fish.

My initial set above, just require minor modification to its water feed.

Single pump feeding 8 gutterbed, the pump is rated at 3000 litre per hour. It works great and the price is very reasonable.

Doing an initial leak test, if gutter leak then I would use hot glue gun to fix it.

Siphon outer enclosure, this are made from 82mm uPVC pipes with end cap. The 82mm pipes were cut to about four and a half inches.

Siphon in a row, those outlets provides double Venturi making the siphon works better. Water inflow is very small, it will trigger siphon action without problem.

Racking in place waiting for gutters to made up the gutterbed over a fish tank kinda setup. This gives me another set of planting space.

This installation I am using 15 mm siphon with 25x15 reducer as the funnel, the stand pipe is set at 4 inches water height. Flushing occur without problem and looks like the siphon is easier to make with this size reducer as compared to the 32x15 reducer which may require cutting of the reducer to reduce height.

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Adding another tank for my aquaponics

Giving more water volume and planting space to my backlane set. The fish tank is a 60x30x24 size tank and it’s the same as the earlier one that I have.

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Modifying The Old Rack

The rack had been replace, next to modify this and make it last longer.

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Replacing the old rack.

The rack I made yesterday will replace the old rack which I need to modified making it more compact just like this new build.

It’s quite a straight forward job, took me about two and a half hours to redo the set.

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Making another rack.

Another rack for my gutterbed.

This to replace old rack that I need to modify and then use for another tank.

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Pots and Pots

There are so many pots that I have checked and tested in my Aquaponics Gutterbed set, from orchids pots to square pots. Due to the shape of the gutter it was difficult to get the right pots for it.

Initially I use hollow tubes to provides support for the pots to get it level and stable.

Finally I manage to find the right pot made by Gafri product code GP 170, this so far the only pots that I found which is big enough to and just narrow at bottom to be place in the gutters without problem. There are two colours available white and brown.

Gafri GP170

They are available from Plants nursery for around RM1.60 to RM2.00 depending on where you shop. I bought it from Greenish City GardenMart in Shopee.

Gafri is not a big manufacturer of pots like Babas so do search around for these if you not able to get the right size pots.

Babas RD170

The Babas RD 170 won’t fit into the gutter growbed.

Thank you.

Transplanting Rosemary

Have Rosemary planted in a small pot as initial start. Out of four, three so far made it to this stage in my aquaponics gutterbed. Decide to transplant it to bigger pots so that it can continue to grow.

Rosemary is a shallow rooting plant and it doesn’t do well in Aquaponics. The last time I plant this was in the traditional growbed, trying out in gutterbed. Hope it will have better chances of surviving the water this time.

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Cleaning of the gutterbed.

Cleaning of the aquaponics system is something need to be done from time to time. The gutterbed is easily maintain and clean as compared to the traditional growbed.

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Aquaponics Live Stream - General Q & A 18th April 2020

Streaming live - series of Q & A

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Aquaponics Basic - Rejuvenating Garlic Chives

It’s already a few years since I put this Chive into my aquaponics system, its seriously need a redo so that it can continue to gives endless supply of herbs.

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Aquaponics Q & A - Session 17th April 2020

These are few answers to question asked on my youtube video. I try to answer most question as best as possible.

Reader Questions

1. Makanan ikan: jenis palet apa dan protein content banyak mana?

2. Kekerapan feeding: macam mana nak kira berapa banyak nak bagi makan dalam satu hari? 

3. Diy rack: rack besi tu, boleh share nama dan komponen2 yang diperlukan. Kalau boleh, nak tahu juga di mana dan berapa harga roughly setiap komponen. (saya jarang pegi hardware ðŸ˜…😅

4. Stocking density : ada cara tak nak kira berapa minimum - maximum ikan yg boleh masuk dalam tank 

5. Stocking density : ada efek pada ikan kalau terlalu crowded populasi dalam fish tank.

6. Stocking density : ada efek ketara tak pada pokok kalau populasi dalam fish tank tak berapa banyak

7. Fish type : boleh campur adukkan ikan dalam satu tank tak? Kalau boleh, apa jenis2 ikan yg boleh hidup harmoni dalam satu tank

8. Growth rate: berdasarkan pengalaman tn, berapa lama ambil masa tumbesaran ikan dari fry ke saiz yg palatable?

9. Output: kalau kuantiti ikan yg bersaiz palatable terlalu banyak, biasanya tuan simpan atau makan atau jual? 

10. Benih: Macam mana nak dapat benih ikan? 

11. Piping : bagi seorang yang jarang diy, jarang pegi hardware, salah satu cabaran awal ialah nak buat/assemble piping. Boleh share komponen2 basic yg selalu digunakan utk buat piping aquaponic system. Nak drill, nak tebuk tank, nak buat lubang, tanak ada bocor etc. 

The answer is I am providing is at an Enthusiast home size setup level.

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Spying on the Tilapia - My Equipment set up

This is my time lapse video set up for spying on the Tilapia. I need to monitor especially the brooder to check them for any fry. This is a very simple setup that I use.

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Live Streaming Test on Youtube

With the extension of MCO/PKP we are running out of ideas of what to do at home. The government gave few suggestions, gardening is one of free time activities that was recommended. Unfortunately, it is something majority of us are lacking on the availability of space for this.

Aquaponics is something that can solve this problem, have a look at this test streaming. It is short but the point covered is worth to ponder further.

I’ll try to do a live streaming on Youtube if anyone interested. The equipment ready and tested, just that I am new to live broadcast so don’t expect a smooth without hiccup kind of streaming.

Any inputs is highly appreciated, to improve my streaming.

Checking pH it’s not as difficult as you think

Checking and keeping pH value within the recommended value is not a hard thing to do. Here I am sharing how it’s done. Please check my previous post here on using limestones to maintain a good ph value.

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Breeding Tilapia - Restocking Fish The Natural Way

It is a simple process to get fresh stock of Tilapia fry, this video I share the way I do it anytime I need to restock my Tilapia.

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Picking Vegetable and Testing Microphone.

Simple vegetable is amazing in providing fresh produce, they can be grown easily and you will have never ending supplies. This video on me picking some fresh vege, and testing the microphone on my set.

There is a high pitch noise coming from my previous video when I am using the wireless lavalier, it could be an interference from somewhere and this video is trying to eliminate and narrow down what I need to do.

I will try switching channel on the wireless lavalier to see how it goes, but this video I am using the PowerDevice wired lav mic.

Thanks for watching.

Growbed Maintenance - Siphon Cleaning

Aquaponics is not automatic, you still have to do maintenance to the system. Cleaning the growbed and siphon must be done to make sure the system is running without problem.

Here I share how to easily clean the siphon and how the siphon cleaner is made.

Note : There's a high pitch noise in this video due to interference, apologise for it. Will upgrade my audio system to rectify.

Thanks for watching.

Installing the 15mm Siphon to the Gutter Growbed.

This video show how the 15mm siphon is made and install to the gutter growbed.

Note : There's a high pitch noise in this video due to interference, apologise for it. Will upgrade my audio system to rectify.

Thanks for watching.

Harvesting My Aquaponics Tank

This is a video on me harvesting the aquaponics set fish.

Short Video below.

Full video here.

Note : There's a high pitch noise in this video due to interference, apologise for it. Will upgrade my audio system to rectify.

Thanks for watching.

Potted Flood & Drain Gutter Growbed Aquaponics

A brief run through my gutter growbed flood and drain aquaponics set.

Note : There's a high pitch noise in this video due to interference, apologise for it. Will upgrade my audio system to rectify.

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Aquaponics & Sustainability in a lockdown.

Aquaponics & Sustainability in a Lockdown. During this Covid-19 pandemic, aquaponics helps to some extend.

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