Aquaponics - Lonely Tomato

It must be very lonely being the only Tomato in an Aquaponics setup.

So far this is the only Tomato in my setup, slowly more will come. I just got to get the balance right. Lack of sunlight may also be one factor that contribute to this low yield.


  1. Are there any bees or other flowerinsects around? Tomatoes needs Pollination ;)

  2. That could also be a problem, my backyard is a bit isolated due to it position. This could cause low yield.

    Unfortunately this is one factor that I have not figure out to overcome.

  3. Will hand pollination work ?

  4. It should work, I never tried it becouse I have alot of bees in my garden.

    Just try to use a small earstick to pollinate a few times
