
Saturday, 8 August 2009

Aquaponics - Fern

Fern do so well I had no choice but to trimmed them. I planted 24 Fern out of that only one didn't make it. That's a good survival rate.
Trimmed Fern, this will let the young ones grow and gives even more fern.
Close up shot of young ferns, once the bigger fern gone they will start to grow better.

My in-law stir fry those fern, just a handful but its good for one helping. The way to identify the edible leaves is by looking at it upper surface. If the leave show sign of shiny waxy look then its good. Dull leave is no good and it may be unfit for consumption.

I love the smell of fresh Fern.. when I was growing up, we stayed near the jungle and undergrowth area full of Fern and we do pick a lot as vegetable.

Fresh smell of Fern never fail to bring back memories of childhood days - Its priceless.
Trimmed Fern, this gives chance for Chillies to have better growing space before they start to get wild again.


  1. It is really too good and finally nice blog.

  2. Aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture, which is growing fish and other aquatic animals, and hydroponics which is growing plants without soil. see aquaponics in pakistan for more information...
