
Sunday, 26 July 2009

Aquaponics - Seeds

Fresh seed for my grow beds, Chillies (those small super hot), Lettuce , Chinese Chives and Chinese Celery.

I normally sprinkle those seed direct onto grow beds, may try to do differently with these. Chilies I have tried, lettuce and Celery did before but nothing to be proud off, Chives is something new to me with Aquaponics.

I'm testing out various plants that can be grown, since our climate here differ from other area. Not much documented on equatorial region Aquaponics, this give me the chance to help others in this region. Some of those that successfully grow in Australia or the United States may not be able to be grown here.

I wish they have Equatorial Strawberry... :(

After that last pump incident nothing much else to do, the setup doing fine. I'm going fishing again later this afternoon and hope to get myself few more Tilapia for the tank.



  1. Have you ever tried alpine strawberries? They do well in containers and can be grown indoors. They produce small, tasty berries almost all year round. I've only just started trying them in my small indoor aquaponics system, so I can't yet report on how well they do. They might work for you.

    1. I wish I could Black, but due to my location very close to the Equator its something that is impossible for me to do.

  2. That's too bad. I miss the sub-tropical fruits from the region I grew up. Mangos, oranges, avacados, grapefruit, lemons, and such just don't grow in climates with cold winters. My dream is to one day have a greenhouse and maybe I can grow those trees indoors, maybe even in an aquaponics unit. Anyway, thanks for all the great work.
