Three Barrel CRAFTS Aquaponics Set

These barrel is cheap and we could make do without any metal frame to hold the growbed. So I got myself another three barrel to make the CRAFTS set for smaller fish.
Growbeds made from 90 cm tub, a size smaller than I normally use and at much cheaper price by almost 1/2. But it is thinner and looks less robust. Water pump is at 2000 Liter/hr all I need is about 1500 Liter/hour but it is not available at the place.
As usual for this set, I need to remove the top cover and make it into an open barrel. It an easy task making use of a jigsaw.
Making holes and access for overflow and pump access.
Those access hole I just cut a half moon to ensure I got maximum water from these barrel to use. The overflow from Return Tank into Feeder Tank is using 32 mm pvc piping and fittings.
A single 15 mm PVC pipe and fitting uses as the Feeder Tank overflow since this set is in the open, rain will fill her up to overflow.
All set, and initially I thinking of making it this way with three growbed on top of the barrels. But decide to use only 2 growbed to make it less clustered.
Support beam 1x2 wood, since these will be underneath the growbed it will be protected from rain and shine. Hope it will last longer without any weather proof.
20 mm StrainerBell made for 10 inches growbed, water level will be at 8 inches adjusted using the extender tube. Residual water level is at 1" for this StrainerBell Siphon.
Water inlet is a simple "T" this works well and very easy to maintain the pump. I made a saddle valve on the up tube since the pump is more that it is needed for this two growbed.
Completed set, and letting it cycle for few days before I introduce fish and simple "buffer" plants. Those LECA is from a growbed at the back which been running for about a year. So it will make this CRAFTS set cycle faster.
The 32mm PVC over flow from the Return Tank, murky water due to seasoned LECA.
20 mm StrainerBell Siphon in operation, may need to be tweak to ensure trouble free operation. But so far never missed a beat.

That's it, I will let the set cycle and this unit is for smaller fish to grow before I could mix them with the larger fishes.


  1. Wow, that was fast, very excited about progress on this setup! Have you already some wide grown systems that you build? Just want to enjoy the growth power of your systems.

    Thanks for all your work!


    1. I practice small system due space constrain, since veg are seasonal it is ever changing.

  2. Where can I buy barrels like that? Been thinking of replacing the old water tank aquaponic with barrels to save space...the garden is getting too crowded with herbs lately.

    1. I got those from recycle yard, they buy those from factories and resell after giving it a good wash. Those white barrel are normally use for non hazardous fluid like shampoo or soap.

  3. May i know the sizes of the grow bed that you are using on this setup?

    1. Those are 36" growbed, not the usual 42" that I use for my Full size CRAFTS.

  4. I'm in the process of revamping my system. I will incorporate a three barrel filtering system. The first 55 gal barrel is my swirl filter, the second is my biofilter, and the third will be sort of a polishing barrel with final filter and then the water will travel to the sump tank. The third barrel will allow me to circulate more water. I'll have a total of nine IBC grow beds twelve inches deep and approximately five hundred gallons of water in this one pump system. If there is anything I'm missing please let me know. I'll send pics when I begin to put it all together. Thank you for your guidance and enthusiasm. Gil

    1. Looks like you have cover everything except the fish.. :)

  5. Im just starting up. Can you point me how to cycle the system ? I been googling and all required a kit. Which i dont have and hard to get here in sabah. Thanks in advance

    1. Nothing special in cycling aquaponics, after letting the water cycle for 24 hrs, add few fish and plant simple plants. The system will cycle itself. Slowly add more fish within 6 weeks period to about 1 for every 3 liter of water average. After 2 months you can try other plants. During that initial 2 months you just make sure the water cycle without any problem if you are using siphon just ensure it works properly.

      Cycling aquaponics is same like cycling aquarium set, takes about 6 to 8 weeks to complete the initial cycle and for nutrient to build up. Never over feed the fish. Plant as many simple plants you can, it won't do any harm.

      Add aeration if fish too many, DO NOT OVER FEED THE FISH :)

  6. Hi Bro Affnan, may I know where can I buy the grow bed? By the way, you have done very good job!!!

    1. Those growbed are fish container from aquarium shops.
