
Saturday, 24 September 2016

Shades From Rain and Sun

I am located in Shah Alam, Malaysia the climate that we have here is Equatorial, the jungle is Equatorial rain forest.

Within 5 degrees either side of the Equator experience this climate and I am 3 degrees North latitude.

Equatorial weather is either heavy rain or strong sun, all the water and moisture once got heated by the sun gives high humidity, soon it will form clouds that has tonnes of water which will downpour in a matter of minutes.

I am putting up shades to protect the #gutterbed plants.
Without shades, certain period of the year when the sun is overhead even for a short duration will be damaging to new plants.

During heavy downpour without shades, newly germinated or planted seedling can get damaged by rain drops.

This quick shades will need some redo to make it able to weather the storm.

This post from my mobile devices... :)


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