
Friday, 12 February 2016

Lemongrass Repotting

Lemongrass that I grown in the gutter few months back will outgrown its pot if not transferred to a bigger container.
On gutterbed, this is the largest pot it's able to acommodate. Therefor instead of a larger pot, I need to plant these into few pots.
Trimmed and need to be removed from its pots.
Massive roots after few months, this root ball is easily scraped off with a knife giving way for easy plant removal.
It's out, looks like there's enough for four pots.
Four pots done.
Cheers... :)


  1. Dear En Affnan,

    Can you let me know where I can buy the blue fish tank 2ft x 6ft x 2ftH.
    I m staying in TTDI KL area.

    Fr Ariffien.

    1. You can visit most aquarium shop, but if you are familiar with Selangor Green Lane, Lot 62 sell them.

      Lot 51 Selangor Green lane
      GPS : 3.163675, 101.567019

      Lot 62 Selangor Green lane
      GPS : 3.157065,101.562295

      New World Aquarium, Kg Baru Subang
      GPS : 3.144930, 101.537656

      Hoi Fatt Aquarium, Kg Baru Subang
      GPS : 3.144659, 101.537012

    2. But the size you specified is more of a custom made, you can try fibreglass shops for that special size.

    3. Tk u En Affnan for yr info.


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